Zoom details :
Meeting ID : 673 2392 0128
Password: 538393
The main interest of this sixth workshop is to present and to discuss the different advances that the ISOL-France community (http://isolfrance.in2p3.fr/) has carried out in 2023-2024. The workshop is organized in 4 different sessions: RIB production, laser spectroscopy, ion traps and beta decay. For each session, there will be first an invited review talk, followed by short presentations about the status of the current ISOL-France activities. At the end of each session, some time will be dedicated for general discussions. This year, the GDR SCIPAC (https://scipac.in2p3.fr/), through the axis "Heavy ions accelerators", will be supporting this workshop. The first session on Monday 27th afternoon will focus on the production of stable and radioactive beams, as well as acceleration for the production of beams for nuclear physics.
ISOL-France board members:
Last term :
| Next term :
GDR SCIPAC, axis "Heavy ions accelerators" coordinators :
- Enrique Minaya (IJCLab)
- Mickaël Dubois (GANIL)