PHE Seminaires

The KM3NeT project and collider neutrinos

by Prof. Rezo Shanidze (National University of Tbilissi)

100/-1-A900 - Auditorium Joliot Curie (IJCLab)

100/-1-A900 - Auditorium Joliot Curie


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KM3NeT is the Mediterranean research infrastructure that aims to detect high energy cosmic neutrinos of astrophysical origin and study the neutrino properties, in particular the neutrino mass ordering with the help of atmospheric neutrinos. To reach these goals the KM3NeT collaboration is building two Cherenkov detectors: ARCA (Astroparticle Research with Cosmics in the Abyss) near Capo Passero (Italy) and ORCA (Oscillation Research with Cosmics in the Abyss) about 40 km off-shore Toulon, France. ARCA is optimized for detection of neutrinos with energies above about 1 TeV, while ORCA energy threshold is adjusted for the detection of atmospheric neutrinos for the oscillation studies. 

Neutrinos are copiously produced at LHC. Recently 2 dedicated experiments FASER and SND@LHC reported the first detection of collider neutrinos. LHC (including its HL-LHC upgrade) and KM3NeT projects have a large time overlap, which opens a possibility for the detection of collider neutrinos in KM3NeT. 

After a brief historical introduction, the status of the KM3NeT project and possible detection of collider neutrinos will be discussed in the talk