Séminaires du pôle accélérateurs

Challenge from scratch “Three-Dimensional spiral beam injection scheme for the muon g-2/EDM experiment at J-PARC”

par Hiromi Iinuma

100/0-A018 - Salle Library (IJCLab)

100/0-A018 - Salle Library


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A new measurement of anomalous magnetic moment of the positive muon amu down to the level of 0.5 ppm and the electric dipole moment EDM with the improved sensitivity better than order of 1.5×10-21 [e.cm] is proposed. Novel techniques utilizing an ultra- cold muon beam accelerated to 300 MeV/c and a 66 cm diameter of super-precisely controlled magnetic storage ring (Medical MRI type superconducting magnet) are introduced. A unique beam injection and storage scheme to control the beam trajectory into such a compact storage ring is an unprecedented attempt.

The content of the paper that led to the YTL award was a proposal for a simultaneous measurement method for g-2 and EDM. This is an original idea that employs a method independent of previous experiments (BNL E821, FNAL E989 etc.), and has no precedent. I would like to introduce the background that led to this idea and the technical difficulties in realizing this idea, and I hope that it will start a positive discussion such as advice and research cooperation.

Apart from my research, I think it would be good to share information about my own efforts to continue my career as a female researcher, and the situations faced by Japanese female physicists, including young postdocs and students.