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16–20 sept. 2024
Institut Pascal
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Einstein Probe

16 sept. 2024, 14:30
Institut Pascal

Institut Pascal

Rue André Rivière 91400 Orsay


Erik Kuulkers


Einstein probe: searching the Universe for cosmic variable objects and transient phenomena shining in X-ray light

The Einstein Probe (EP) is a mission of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in collaboration with ESA, MPE and CNES dedicated to time-domain high-energy astrophysics. Its primary goals are to discover high-energy transients and monitor variable objects. To achieve this, EP employs a very large instantaneous field-of-view (3600 square degrees), along with moderate spatial resolution (FWHM ~5 arcmin) and energy resolution. Its wide-field imaging capability is achieved by using established technology of novel lobster-eye optics, thereby offering unprecedentedly high sensitivity and large Grasp, which would supersede previous and existing X-ray all-sky monitors. To complement this powerful capability to discover and monitor sources over a wide area, EP also carries a conventional X-ray focusing telescope with a larger effective area to perform follow-up characterization and precise localization of newly-discovered transients. Public transient alerts will be issued rapidly to trigger multi-wavelength follow-up observations from the world-wide community.

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