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16–20 sept. 2024
Institut Pascal
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

ACROSS: The Astrophysics CRoss Observatory Science Support Initiative

17 sept. 2024, 09:30
Institut Pascal

Institut Pascal

Rue André Rivière 91400 Orsay


Jamie Kennea (Penn State)


In October 2022, NASA HQ directed the Physics of the Cosmos program office initiated a study to identify requirements and formulate implementation options for a TDAMM Guest of Observer Facility, in response to Astro2020 TDAMM recommendations. Phase 1 of the study investigated the coordination of NASA space-based missions. As a result of this study, NASA approved a pilot program for The Astrophysics CRoss Observatory Science Science Initiative (ACROSS). ACROSS seeks to enrich the TDAMM infrastructure through three main areas: Providing expertise in coordination and collaboration on large TDAMM events in the future such as GW170817; Developing tools and APIs to provide up to data state and status information on observatories, and developing open source tools that observatories can adopt such as visibility planners, a TOO Toolkit to easily build TOO pages and APIs and more; finally we plan a new funding opportunity for TDAMM science in the USA, initially focused on development of software infrastructure in TDAMM science. I will present the current progress of the ACROSS pilot program, and show how ACROSS will fit in to the current TDAMM infrastructure, with open source tools and APIs that should help every observer.

Auteur principal

Jamie Kennea (Penn State)

Documents de présentation