
Backward DVCS on Pions

par Abigail Rodrigues Castro (IRFU CEA)

100/2-A201 - Salle A201 (IJCLab)

100/2-A201 - Salle A201


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We present a feasibility study of backward deeply virtual Compton scattering (bDVCS) on pions, investigated through Sullivan processes in the context of collinear QCD factorization. In this approach, pion-to-photon transition distribution amplitudes (TDAs) are employed to describe the pion's photon content. The factorization of the bDVCS amplitude is demonstrated as a convolution of a perturbative coefficient function, the pion's distribution amplitude, and the pion-to-photon TDA. Using models based on light front wave functions, we estimate the cross-sections for potential experimental measurements at upcoming electron-ion colliders in the U.S. and China. Our analysis highlights the feasibility of accessing pion structure via backward processes, paving the way for future precision studies of quark and gluon distributions within mesons.