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Search for signs of shape coexistence in mid-shell Te isotopes

by Dr Franziskus Spee (IJCLab)

100/0-A018 - Salle Library (IJCLab)

100/0-A018 - Salle Library


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Shape coexistence, once considered an exotic phenomenon, is now believed to be widespread across the nuclide chart. However, proving its existence remains challenging in many cases. The mid-shell Cd isotopes at Z=48 were among the first nuclei where a clear signature of shape coexistence was observed. This suggests the idea that shape coexistence may also be present in the mid-shell Te isotopes at Z=52 mirroring the Cd isotopes with respect to the Z=50 shell closure.

In this talk, recent experimental data on the mid-shell 116,118,120Te isotopes will be presented. In the experiments, candidate intruder states were identified in beta decay experiments with the help of angular correlations. Additionally, lifetimes of excited states were measured with the Recoil Distance Doppler shift method using (12C,8Be) alpha-transfer reactions. These reactions were able to populate also excited 0+ states allowing the calculation of rho2(E0) values. The new experimental data are then compared to the expected signatures of shape coexistence.