Medical application for FFAG beams PAMELA
Cyclotron as injector for medical applications
Variable energy FFAG
RACCAM FFAG design studies
Beam dynamics in non-scaling FFAGs
EMMA : beam dynammics, injection extraction
CW muon acceleration inFFAG
Muon accelaration with HNJ
Dynamical aperture in FFAG
CW operation of proton FFAG with HNJ acceleration
Non scaling nonlinear FFAG for proton acceleration
1 GeV spiral FFAG
Towards 100MW proton driver based on FFAG
Computer codes
Design of spiral magnet for RACCAM
RF : scaling, quasi-isochronous
Desgin of superconducting FFAG magnet
Kickers and septum magnets (PRISM, EMMA)
Design of pumplet magnet for non scaling nonlinear FFAG