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8–12 sept. 2025
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

The Eighth Plenary Workshop of the Muon g-2 Theory Initiative, jointly organised by CPT, IJCLab and LPNHE, will be held at IJCLab from 8th to 12th of September 2025. The anomalous magnetic moment of the Muon (Muon g-2) has been receiving great attention, particularly in light of the final result from Fermilab’s E989 experiment and of the intense theoretical effort to match its precision, as well as of a forthcoming precision measurement of the dominant two-pion channel from the BaBar experiment. The workshop aims at discussing recent progress on these developments and future prospects.


Important deadlines:

Abstract submission: June 30

Registration: July 31





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200/0- Auditorium P. Lehmann
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