- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
The audio for the conference will be handled by telephone. It is the same number as is used for the standup meetings: +33 1 56 78 86 88.
EVO will be used for screensharing only. Please be sure to mute your speakers/microphone when using EVO. You can join the conference via this URL or by searching for a meeting called "StratusLab Sprint 2 Demo". The EVO reservation starts at 13:00, so the connections can be tried out in advance.
For those who will be sharing their screen during the demo, please be sure that you have a wired, high-bandwidth connection. EVO does very poorly over a wireless connection.
Will will start promptly at 13:30 (Paris). Please be on time for the meeting!