Séminaire commun IPN/LAL : Recent accelerator activities in Korea
Prof.Kim Eun-San(Kyungpook National Univ., Korea)
Salle des Conseils (IPN)
Salle des Conseils
We introduce recent activities on five accepted accelerator projects that are in stages of designs and constructions in Korea. PLS-II is an upgrade light source project that reduces beam emittance and raises the number of ID sections in the PLS-I. Now it is in the final stage of machine commissioning and the results will be presented. We introduce conceptual design for Rare Isotope Acceleator project that is based on superconducting linacs and a cyclotron for In-Flight and ISOL experiments. The PAL-XFEL of 10 GeV is in its second year of construction and detailed design will be presented. High current 100 MeV proton linac will be completed its construction at the end of 2012. The carbon therapy machine is in its second year of project. The design team is now preparing a TDR for a superconducting cyclotron.