Author : Alexandre Gramfort
License : BSD 3 clause
# add plot inline in the page
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
First, load the mne package:
import mne
We set the log-level to 'WARNING' so the output is less verbose
Now we import the dataset. If you don't already have it, it will be downloaded automatically (but be patient approx. 2GB)
from mne.datasets import spm_face
data_path = spm_face.data_path()
raw_fname = data_path + '/MEG/spm/SPM_CTF_MEG_example_faces1_3D_raw.fif'
Read data from file:
raw =, preload=True)
print raw
Band pass the data between 1Hz and 45Hz
raw.filter(1, 45)
%matplotlib osx
fig = raw.plot()
First extract events:
%matplotlib inline
events = mne.find_events(raw, stim_channel='UPPT001', verbose=True)
Look at the design in a graphical way:
mne.viz.plot_events(events,['sfreq'], raw.first_samp);
Define epochs parameters:
event_id = {"faces": 1, "scrambled": 2}
tmin, tmax = -0.1, 0.5
# Set up pick list
picks = mne.pick_types(, meg=True, stim=True, eog=True,
ref_meg=False, exclude='bads')
# Read epochs
decim = 4 # decimate to make the example faster to run
epochs = mne.Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, proj=True,
picks=picks, baseline=None, preload=True,
reject=dict(mag=1.5e-12), decim=decim)
print epochs
Look at the ERF and contrast between left and rigth response
evoked_faces = epochs['faces'].average()
evoked_scrambled = epochs['scrambled'].average()
evoked_contrast = evoked_faces - evoked_scrambled
ylim = dict(mag=[-400., 400.])
fig = evoked_faces.plot(ylim=ylim)
fig = evoked_scrambled.plot(ylim=ylim)
fig = evoked_contrast.plot(ylim=ylim)
Plot some topographies
import numpy as np
times = np.linspace(-0.1, 0.3, 10)
fig = evoked_faces.plot_topomap(times=times, ch_type='mag', contours=0)
fig = evoked_scrambled.plot_topomap(times=times, ch_type='mag', contours=0)
fig = evoked_contrast.plot_topomap(times=times, ch_type='mag', contours=0)
To have a chance at 50% accuracy equalize epoch count in each condition
epochs_list = [epochs[k] for k in event_id]
A classifier takes as input an x
and return y
(0 or 1). Here x will be the data at one or all time point(s) on all MEG sensors.
We work with all sensors jointly and try to find a discriminative pattern between 2 conditions to predict the class.
n_times = len(epochs.times)
# Take only the data channels (here the gradiometers)
data_picks = mne.pick_types(, meg=True, exclude='bads')
# Make arrays X and y such that :
# X is 3d with X.shape[0] is the total number of epochs to classify
# y is filled with integers coding for the class to predict
# We must have X.shape[0] equal to y.shape[0]
X = [e.get_data()[:, data_picks, :] for e in epochs_list]
y = [k * np.ones(len(this_X)) for k, this_X in enumerate(X)]
X = np.concatenate(X)
y = np.concatenate(y)
print X.shape, y.shape
print y
Now let's use an SVM to classify our MEG data
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.cross_validation import cross_val_score, ShuffleSplit
# Define an SVM classifier (SVC) with a linear kernel
clf = SVC(C=1., kernel='linear')
Define a monte-carlo cross-validation generator (to reduce variance):
cv = ShuffleSplit(len(X), 10, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
The goal is going to be to learn on 80% of the epochs and evaluate on the remaining 20% of trials if we can predict accurately.
X_2d = X.reshape(len(X), -1)
X_2d = X_2d / np.std(X_2d)
scores_full = cross_val_score(clf, X_2d, y, cv=cv, n_jobs=1)
print "Classification score: %s (std. %s)" % \
(np.mean(scores_full), np.std(scores_full))
It's also possible to run the same classifier at each time point to know when in time the conditions can be better classified:
scores = np.empty(n_times)
std_scores = np.empty(n_times)
from scipy.stats import zscore
X = zscore(X, axis=-1) # standardize features
for t, Xt in enumerate(X.T): # Run cross-validation
scores_t = cross_val_score(clf, Xt.T, y, cv=cv, n_jobs=1)
scores[t] = scores_t.mean()
std_scores[t] = scores_t.std()
A bit of rescaling
times = 1e3 * epochs.times # to have times in ms
scores *= 100 # make it percentage accuracy
std_scores *= 100
Now a bit of plotting
plt.plot(times, scores, label="Classif. score")
plt.axhline(50., color='k', linestyle='--', label="Chance level")
plt.axvline(0., color='r', label='stim onset')
plt.axhline(100. * np.mean(scores_full), color='g', label='Accuracy full epoch')
hyp_limits = (scores - std_scores, scores + std_scores)
plt.fill_between(times, hyp_limits[0], y2=hyp_limits[1], color='b', alpha=0.5)
plt.xlabel('Times (ms)')
plt.ylabel('CV classification score (% correct)')
plt.ylim([30., 100.])
plt.title('Sensor space decoding')