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TS 1 on automatic hyperparameter optimization



Balázs Kégl (LAL)

We we will teach you some basic notions about model complexity and learning curves and then show you how to use some tools to optimize your single models.

The event will take place at Proto204, a 10 minute walk from either the Orsay-Ville or the Bur-sur-Yvette RER B stations.

Supporting material:

  • Adrien PAIN
  • Alexandre Beelen
  • Alexandre Boucaud
  • Amir Sani
  • anastase charantonis
  • Antoine Bureau
  • asma atamna
  • Aurelie MUTSCHLER
  • Aurélie REMY-RUYER
  • Basile mayeur
  • Bogdan-Ionut Cirstea
  • Delphine Le
  • Eric TUON
  • Gaetan Marceau Caron
  • Giannis Bekoulis
  • Hervé Bertin
  • Izzet Burak Yildiz
  • Jean Lafond
  • Kevin Lourd
  • Lionel Limery
  • Mabrouk Aljane
  • Maria Rossi
  • mehdi cherti
  • mehdi sebbar
  • michael blot
  • michalis vazirgiannis
  • nacim belkhir
  • Naveen Kumar Aranganathan
  • Odalric-Ambrym Maillard
  • Pierre-Yves Massé
  • Rafael Morales
  • Sana Tfaili
  • Sourava Prasad Mishra
  • Thomas Schmitt
  • Tien PHAN
  • Yousra Bekhti
L'ordre du jour de cette réunion est vide