CDS-SPU meeting on climate and environment

100 (LAL, bât. 208)


LAL, bât. 208

Université Paris Sud, Orsay
Balázs Kégl (LAL), Fabienne Maignan (LSCE - IPSL)
The goal of the meeting is to explore possible collaborations between the CDS and a climate and environmental sciences at Université Paris-Saclay (and beyond, including other labs of IPSL). We will run an "extended tour de table" or "speed dating" with short presentations on data science problems in climate and environmental science and discuss various configurations of collaboration.
  • Balázs Kégl
  • Eric Chassefière
  • Fabienne Maignan
  • Isabelle Guyon
  • Karim Ramage
  • marc moniez
  • Marjolaine Chiriaco
  • Nicolas Aunai
  • Sophie BASTIN
  • Sophie Cloché