Miguel Colom
26/10/2015 14:00
Nowadays it is possible to online collect, classify, and process data with the proper software platforms. Along with advances in signal processing and "big data" algorithms we can use them as research facilities or even as automatic diagnostic tools. Specifically, we are building such a platform applied to physiological signals. It involves a large group of researchers in mathematics, software...
Estelle Chaix
26/10/2015 14:40
Loïc Estève
26/10/2015 15:30
This talk will present useful patterns and lessons learned for
efficient application of machine learning to data too big to fit in
memory, in the context of brain imaging applications.
The focus here is sharing insights gained while using
and developing nilearn and joblib, as many of the lessons are not specific to brain
Jonathan Duperrier
26/10/2015 15:50
Andreas Mueller
26/10/2015 16:40