Claire Portail
(IPN Orsay)
Deep inelastic collisions were discovered few decades ago and are nowadays frequently used in well-chosen conditions for nuclear structure studies. However, those reactions are producing nuclei in a wide angular range due to an orbiting phenomenon which can occur during the interaction. We aim then to describe the mechanism evolution from a particular angle called "grazing angle" to zero degree. Moreover, we aim also to describe how exotic are the nuclei produced at zero degree.
To answer those questions data were collected during three experiments done at GANIL (Caen, France). We used several EXOGAM clovers for $\gamma$-rays detection and we used the LISE and VAMOS spectrometers for particles identification. The first experiment was covering a wide angular range from grazing angle to almost zero degree whereas the others focused at zero degree. During the talk, preliminary results of this analysis and some perspectives will be presented.
Auteur principal
Claire Portail
(IPN Orsay)