Chairperson: Antoine BERGAMASCHI
Antoine Mollard
11/05/2016 09:00
Accelerator Physics
Oral Presentation
The CLIC project (Compact LInear Collider) requires the conditioning of 120000 cavities with high-power 12GHz-klystrons. My PhD project is the design of such a high-efficiency klystron. I work firstly at the enhancement of a Thales 4.9GHz-klystron to increase its efficiency.
A klystron is a linear-beam vacuum tube that amplify or generate a RF signal. An electron stream is created with a...
Tingting Fu
11/05/2016 09:15
Accelerator Physics
Oral Presentation
In the study of converting cellulosic plants into biofuels, much attention has been paid to maize stalk for its vast biomass production and great potential in bioethanol generation [1-3]. However, high lignification of cell walls in maize stem has significantly prevented the accessibility of enzymes, microorganisms or chemicals to cell wall polysaccharides, thus leading to a low efficiency in...
Pierre Favier
(Laboratoire de l'Accelerateur Lineaire)
11/05/2016 09:30
Accelerator Physics
Oral Presentation
Inverse Compton Scattering provides a unique way to produce quasi-monochromatic X-rays via the interaction of relativistic electrons with a laser pulse. This process has the advantage of producing a very high flux of X-rays with energies above a few tens of keV for a modest electron beam energy. In addition the output beam divergence is much larger than in classical synchrotron light sources...
11/05/2016 09:45
Accelerator Physics
Oral Presentation
The forthcoming high-luminosity environment of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) implies the redesign of several subsystems in the ATLAS detector. In particular, an improvement of the calorimeter trigger system has to be done to match the data acquisition rate with the expected increase of the collisions rate. The strategy is to increase the calorimeter spatial resolution and to use the...
Luca Garolfi
11/05/2016 10:00
Accelerator Physics
Oral Presentation
The THOMX project aims to design and build a compact X-rays Compton backscattering light source demonstrator resulting from collisions between laser pulses and relativistic electron bunches. The project was recently funded and is under construction in the Orsay University campus. The machine consists of a 50–70 MeV LINAC injector and a storage ring. The PhD program covers the linear...