Chairperson: Martina MACHET
Eloi Le Quilleuc
09/05/2016 14:30
Particle Physics
Oral Presentation
I am a 2nd year PhD student working in the ATLAS experiment at Cern. In this collaboration, I mainly contributed to the identification of b-jets. I optimized the reconstruction of secondary vertices at high jet momentum, improved the recognition of B-hadron vertices against V0 vertices, and brought some corrections to a Boosted Decision Tree algorithm (that combines b-tagging informations into...
jeremy hebinger
09/05/2016 14:45
Particle Physics
Oral Presentation
In rare B mesons decay such as $b \to s\gamma$, standard model predictions indicate that the photon should be mostly left-handed. And since the GIM mechanism allows this process to only occurs through loops, measurements of the photon polarisation can provide a good test of the standard model. Indeed, if new physics heavy particles contribute to the process the photon polarisation may change....
Renato Quagliani
(LAL Orsay and Bristol University)
09/05/2016 15:00
Particle Physics
Oral Presentation
The project of the LHCb upgraded detector foresees the presence of a scintillating fiber tracker (SciFi) for the LHC run III starting in 2020. We will describe the design and the performances of the newly developed algorithm used for the reconstruction of stand-alone tracks in the SciFi, called Hybrid Seeding.
The B mesons double charm decays have been introduced to explain the discrepancy...
Christophe Goudet
09/05/2016 15:15
Particle Physics
Oral Presentation
The run 2 of the LHC starts an era of precision measurement in the Higgs sector which may be a portal to Beyond Standard Model physics.
To be sensitive to BSM, an improvement of the systematics is necessary.
The final step of the electron energy correction, which is part of the dominant experimental uncertainties, uses a data driven technique to calibrate the energy of...