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3–6 oct. 2017
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris
Les journées accélérateurs 2017 auront lieu du 3 au 6 octobre.

New Target ion source system for short-lived neutron deficient alkali production.

Non programmé


Résumé (moins de 1100 charactères)

Many facilities in the world have been using On-line Isotope Separation (ISOL) technique to produce radioactive ion beams. To deliver ion beam it is necessary to transform radioactive atoms produced in a solid target into ions using a “Target-Ion-Source-System” (TISS). During the atom-to-ion transformation process very short-lived radio nuclides disappear due to the time competition between the radioactive decay time and the atom-to-ion transformation time. It is possible to reduce these last losses by optimizing the parameters of the TISS. Our goal is to develop a new TISS to demonstrate how efficient it can be if it is optimized for the production of a specific short-lived radioactive element, and then how it is possible to get high intensity of radioactive ion beams if the low in-target production is compensated by a very efficient atom-to-ion transformation system.


P. Jardin, C. Michel, L. Maunoury

Auteur principal


Dr Laurent Maunoury (GANIL) M. Pascal JARDIN (CNRS/GANIL)

Documents de présentation

Aucun document.