Overview of the Future Linear Collider Project and Report on Two Important R&D Activities: Mitigation of Electron Cloud Instabilities and the ATF2 Final Focus Test Facility
M. Pivi
Amphi Pierre Lehmann (LAL)
Amphi Pierre Lehmann
A worldwide consensus has recommended that the next particle accelerator in the TeV energy scale should be an e+e- Linear Collider (LC). The recently established International Linear Collider (ILC) project will be important for detailed studies of the origin of electro-weak symmetry breaking, in order to complement the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. After a brief overview of the Linear Collider, the talk will focus on two accelerator physics R&D topics, particularly relevant to the design of the LC damping ring and beam delivery systems, and also interesting more generally:
description of the electron cloud instability mechanism, review of recent results from simulations, laboratory measurements and experimental studies, strategies to prevent the build-up of this problem in present and future colliders
description of the ATF2 international facility being proposed to acquire experience in achieving and maintaining routinely a 35-nm spot size with compact ILC-like final focus optics installed in a dedicated extraction line of the present ultra-low emittance ATF ring at KEK, experimental testing of recent ideas for ILC beam instrumentation (e.g. with nanometer resolutions) and stabilization hardware and methods, aims to train young physicists.<\ul>