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EGAAP session in the Users Forum



    • 00:00 00:20
      Introduction 20m
      Orateur: V. Breton
    • 00:20 00:40
      Status reports 20m
      • Fusion 15m
      • ARCHEOGRID 15m
      • EUMEDGrid 15m
      • EELA 15m
      • EUchinagrid 15m
      • Bioinfogrid 15m
    • 00:40 01:00
      Positronium proposal 20m
    • 01:00 01:20
      Closed session, Discussion of the status reports and proposals 20m
    • 01:20 01:40
      Preparation of the EGAAP final report on EGAAP 20m
    • 01:40 02:00
      EGAAP and EGEE-II 20m
    • 02:00 02:20
      AOB 20m