
Salle bleue (LAL)

Salle bleue


Loomis, C.

Registration: Closed. Please send an email to Cal Loomis and Françoise Macek if you want to attend but are not listed in the participants below.

Fees: There is no fee for the workshop. LAL will pay for the coffee breaks and lunches. The workshop dinner will be at your own expense.

Workshop Dinner: We have a reservation for 20 people at the restaurant "Au Chien qui Fume" near the Pont Neuf in Paris for Thursday evening (23 March) at 20:00. The restaurant has fixed menus from 30-44 euros and a full selection "a la carte". There are vegitarian selections available.

Accomodations: You will need to book your accodations yourself. An accomodation list can be found on the LAL web site. I would recommend staying in Paris rather than Orsay. If there is anyone on a really tight budget, there are a few very, very basic dorm rooms at LAL.

Accessing LAL: LAL is located in Orsay, France about 35 minutes from the center of Paris by the RER B (Metro). Complete instructions are available in French and English.

Metro/RER Information: When buying metro tickets be sure to specify either Orsay-Ville or Zone 5. Tickets for the center of Paris (zone 1) are not valid to come to LAL. If you're staying for the three days, you'll probably want to buy either a "Moblis 1-5" (valid 1 day; buy 3 times) or a "Paris Visite 1-5" (for 3 days). Either allows unlimited travel in Zones 1-5 while valid. Zone 5 includes the Charles de Gaulle airport which is served by RER B. Travel to or from Orly airport is not included and requires a special ticket. Further information on metro/RER prices can be found at the RATP web site. Click on the "International Passengers" button at the top for information in English, Dutch, or German.

Registered participants:

  • Cancio, German (CERN)
  • Chierici, Andrea (INFN-CNAF)
  • Childs, Stephen (Trinity College Dublin)
  • De Weirdt, Stijn (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
  • Duprilot, Cedric (LAL)
  • Ensslin, Uwe (DESY)
  • Finnern, Thomas (DESY)
  • Garcia Leiva, Rafael (Andago)
  • Gato Luis, Jose (Andago)
  • Herrero, Ismael (Andago)
  • Herzog, Stefan (RWTH Aachen)
  • Italiano, Alessandro (INFN CNAF)
  • Izquierdo Alonso, Jorge (UAM)
  • Jouvin, Michel (LAL)
  • Loomis, Charles (LAL)
  • Minafra, Francesco (INFN and University of BARI)
  • Poleggi, Marco Emilio (CERN and INFN)
  • Rugovac, Shkelzen (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
  • Schroder, Matthias (CERN)
  • Starink, Ronald (NIKHEF)
  • Sternberger, Sven (DESY)
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