Session 1
- Eric Delagnes (CEA-SACLAY)
The WaveCatcher systems are a family of powerful and low cost digitizers. Their number of channels currently ranges between 2 and 64 (+8) channels.
They all make use of the SAMLONG analog memory chips which permit sampling the input signal between 400 MS/s and 3.2 GS/s over 12 bits and with a signal bandwidth of 500 MHz.
There are 4 different types of systems:
• 2-channel, USB-powered handy...
The Technological Unit of the Institute of Cosmos Science of the Universitat of Barcelona (ICCUB) is specialized in developing microelectronics for applications in which low noise and high bandwdith are key features. We currently have different test setups equipped with both 8 and 16 channel WaveCatchers, including ASICs' tests for the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) and the LHCb projects, as...
The SuperNEMO experiment goal is to probe the nature of the neutrino through the neutrinoless double beta decay research. It uses the so-called tracko-calo technique which allows not only to measure the energy of particle traversing the detector but also to reconstruct their track, time of flight and full kinematic.
Specific boards using Wavecatcher architechture are used...