Session 5
- Dominique Breton (CNRS-LAL)
Cédric Cerna
2/8/18, 9:30 AM
In the framework of the development of a radiation protection detector, the Wavecatcher acquisition board was used as a portable system with a battery and a laptop. The oscilloscope, the scaler counter, and the waveform recording features were used.
Boris Vodungbo
2/8/18, 9:50 AM
WaveCatcher based machine protection tools for the commissioning of the ELI‐NP gamma beam system
Stefano Pioli
(INFN / Frascati)
2/8/18, 10:15 AM
The new Gamma Beam System (GBS), within the ELI‐NP project, under installation in Magurele (RO) by INFN, as part of EuroGammaS consortium, can provide gamma rays that open new possibilities for nuclear photonics and nuclear physics.
ELI‐GBS gamma rays are produced by Compton back‐scattering to get monochromaticity (0,1% bandwidth), high flux (1013 photon/s the highest in the world), tunable...