Session 6
- Bernard Genolini (IPNO)
Authors: V. Sharyy, C. Canot, P. Abbon and D. Yvon
CaLIPSO group at IRFU investigates the feasibility to use the Cherenkov radiation
to enhance the TOF performance of the PET scanners.
Two projects are under development. CaLIPSO project investigates the possibility to build the brain
and pre-clinical PET device with a high spatial resolution of the order of 1 mm3.
It uses an innovative...
Authors; S Curtoni, A Bes , G Bosson , J Collot , D Dauvergne , M Fontana, L Gallin-Martel ,
M-L Gallin-Martel , J-Y Hostachy, A Lacoste, S Marcatili, J Morse , J-F Muraz , F.E. Rarbi ,
M Salomé, E Testa , M Yamouni
Hadrontherapy can be defined as radiotherapy by means of proton or light ion beams. This alternative technique enables a highly localized dose deposition and better organ-at-risk...