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Oct 2 – 4, 2019
Europe/Paris timezone
Inscriptions ouvertes le 23 mars


Oct 2, 2019, 4:50 PM
1h 40m


Dr Angie Karina Orduz (CEA)


The SPIRAL2 injector made up of a 5mA p-d ion source, a 1mA heavy ion source (up to A/Q =3) and a CW 0.75 MeV/u RFQ. They have been successfully commissioned in parallel with the superconducting linac installation. We recently obtained the green light for the LINAC commissioning, starting with the Medium Energy Beam Transport line. The linac is now connected to the LINAC, with less diagnostics than with the Diagnostic-plate. It includes also a bunch selector design for the NFS physics and also used for the HEBT tuning. The connexion to the SC linac and the future linac beam commissioning will be briefly described. This paper presents the results obtained for the MEBT in proton and a comparison with the simulations.

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