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8–10 sept. 2021
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

The CALICE Collaboration (https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CALICE/WebHome) conceives and operates high-granular calorimeters since 2004. Initially the R&D has targeted detectors at a future linear e+e- collider at the TeV scale. The convincing results in terms of technological achievements and by comparison of the data with GEANT4 simulations of hadronic showers yield the concept of granular calorimeters as part of practically any design of future detectors in particle physics. Today the CALICE Collaboration comprises around 300 researchers and engineers of 57 institutes in 17 countries. The collaboration meeting at IJCLab will discuss latest results, the role of CALICE after the update of the European Strategy of Particle Physics and will be instrumental for the preparation of large scale beam test campaigns after 2021. 

Registration deadline : September 3rd, 2021

In light of the current health situation we will request that you provide us with a sanitary pass to show upon your arrival at the main reception desk.


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