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Habilitations à diriger des recherches (HDR)

b-baryon sonata, or b-baryon studies with the LHCb detector

par Dr Yasmine Amhis (IJCLab - Pôle PHE, groupe LHCb)



LHCb is one of the four experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (CERN), dedicated to the study of b-hadrons. Throughout my research, I studied in particular b-baryons which are abundantly produced at the LHCb.  
My habilitation summarises the studies of fundamental properties of these particles within the Standard Model. In particular, I discuss both  lifetime and  mass measurements.  This work is followed by a search of New Physics using a Lepton universality test.
Finally, I discuss my contribution to the upgrade detectors of the LHCb experiment in particular those related to the calorimeter and the scintillator fibre tracker.
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the HDR defense will take place through videoconference
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