
Improved description of light nuclei through chiral EFT at leading order

par Mario Sanchez (Université de Bordeaux)

100/-1-A900 - Auditorium Joliot Curie (IJCLab)

100/-1-A900 - Auditorium Joliot Curie


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I will present a rearrangement of the most commonly invoked version of the
two-nucleon chiral potential so that the low-lying  amplitude zero of the 1S0
partial wave is subsumed at first order in the effective expansion. Adopting
other partial waves from the LENPIC interaction (Weinberg power counting), I
will show through an ab initio no-core shell model calculation how such modification
yields an improved description of ground-state energies and point-proton radii
of three test light nuclei, namely 3H, 4He and 6He. I will discuss possible
implications of this proposal and point out some future research lines.


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Passcode : 668582