1ère conférence grand public(en anglais) organisée par l'initiative européenne "STRONG-2020" qui aura lieu en visioconférence.
par Prof. Randolf Pohl (Univ. J-G Mainz, Allemagne) et Prof. Jan Bernauer (Stony Brook University, USA)
Dear members of the STRONG-2020 community, dear colleagues, With this message we would like to inform you and ask your support to publicize a new initiative put forward and organized by the STRONG-2020 Dissemination Board: “The STRONG-2020 Public Lecture Series”. This series addresses the general public as well as high-school students, but it will also be of interest to the members of STRONG-2020, our students and whoever might be interested to have an insight into our activities. We are very glad to announce the kick-off lecture of this series, interactive live on youtube, on December 16, 2020 at 15:00 h on the INFN LNF - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati platform, where a STRONG-2020 channel was created (the lectures will be also posted on our STRONG-2020 dedicated youtube channel). Our first guest speakers will be Dr. Randolf. Pohl and Dr. Jan C. Bernauer, who will discuss the question: How big is the proton? The event will be transmitted live on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5B_ZfGy4d0 We send you in attachment the poster for this first lecture asking you to help publicizing it on your platforms, to the schools with which you are in contact, to the general public, with help of dissemination and education services from your institutions, such as to enhance the visibility and the participation to the event. We are at your disposal for further details/information Many greetings Catalina Curceanu Achim Denig (on behalf of the STRONG-2020 Dissemination Board)
Catalina Curceanu (Catalina.Curceanu@lnf.infn.it)