Systems that share common proprieties as critical exponents, and the number and nature of quantum states are said to belong to the same universality class. However, systems in the same class may have very different typical sizes and energies. For example, some nuclear systems, cold atoms, and hadronic molecules can all be described by the same typology of theories. This allows transferring knowledge among systems belonging to the same class, with great benefit of the fields in which experimental results are scarce and more difficult to be obtained.
Not many universal phenomena beyond few-body systems have been studied so far. This is due to numerical difficulties: the hard potentials required to perform such calculations impair the numerical stability of most of the today-used numerical methods. However, in the past years, the combination of effective field theory (EFT) together with Monte Carlo techniques demonstrated to overcome such difficulties opening the possibility of studying universality consequence also in large systems.
In this seminar, I show the recent progress we made in few- and many-body calculations of universal systems in Nuclear, Hypernuclear, and Hadronic physics, and how these techniques allow to establish a clear connection between emergent low energy physics and its underlying theory. A significative example that will be presented is Lattice nuclei, in which few few-body nuclear calculations made directly from lattice quantum chromo dynamics can be used to define an EFT and extended on larger systems, allowing to predict nuclear proprieties from first principles.