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Kerr-Schild Ansatz for black holes with matter source

par Mokhtar Hassaine (Talca Univ., Chile)




The Kerr-Schild transformation is known to be a powerful tool to generate interesting solutions from simple solutions. It is known that the set of metrics which can be written in the Kerr-Schild form contains physically relevant metrics, such as the Schwarzschild-(AdS), the Kerr-(AdS), the four-dimensional Kerr-Newmann, the pp-wave, and the AdS-wave spacetimes.
Although the Kerr-Schild ansatz has proved its worth for Einstein vacuum solutions, in the presence of a source it has certain limitations as is demonstrated for example by the absence of the higher-dimensional Kerr-Newman solution. After defining the basic concepts of the Kerr-Schild ansatz, we will show how the Kerr-Schild  construction can be applied for gravity theory supplemented by a dynamical scalar field. Thanks to this construction, we will able to generate static black hole solutions with interesting features for these scalar tensor theories. In the last part of the talk, we will see that the so-called rotating Kerr-Sen black hole (electrically charged solution with a scalar and an axion fields) can also be casted in the Kerr-Schild form.

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