ALTO 50 years’ celebration

100/-1-A900 - Auditorium Joliot Curie (IJCLab)

100/-1-A900 - Auditorium Joliot Curie


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The ALTO facility of IJC Lab celebrates its 50th birthday this year in 2021. To celebrate 50 years of leading physics research at the ALTO facility we plan to hold a special event to mark the occasion on the 4th October 2021. The event will be linked to the ALTO Users Group Meeting, which will be held in the morning, while the afternoon will be dedicated to review the scientific and technical achievements of the ALTO facility over the last five decades.  In the evening a social event Is planned. The ALTO 50 years celebration will be held in the amphitheatre Joliot-Curie at IJC Lab and registration is necessary to participate. The maximum number of participants is limited so it is advisable to register as soon as possible.

Registration deadline : September 17th, 2021

In light of the current health situation we will request that you provide us with a sanitary pass to show upon your arrival at the main reception desk.

  • AbdelHakim Said
  • Achille Stocchi
  • Adam Maj
  • Ahmed Bouafia
  • Alessandro de Lara
  • Amel KORICHI
  • Aurelie Gentils
  • Bernard Genolini
  • Carole Gaulard
  • Catalin Borcea
  • Catherine SALOU
  • Christine LE GALLIARD
  • Corentin Hiver
  • Cyril Bachelet
  • David LUNNEY
  • David Verney
  • Denis Dauvergne
  • Denis Lacroix
  • Dorthea Gjestvang
  • Elie borg
  • Elisa Maria Gandolfo
  • Emanuele Vardaci
  • Emmanuel Blanc
  • Enrique Minaya Ramirez
  • Fadi Ibrahim
  • Faïrouz Hammache
  • Francesco Di Capua
  • Francois LE BLANC
  • François de Oliveira Santos
  • Gabriel Charles
  • Georgi Georgiev
  • Giorgia Pasqualato
  • Guillem Tocabens
  • Hervé Lefort
  • Indranil Mazumdar
  • iolanda matea
  • Jonathan Wilson
  • Ketel Turzo
  • Kevin Li
  • Luigi Campajola
  • Luigi Campajola
  • Maher Cheikh Mhamed
  • Marcella Grasso
  • Marek Lewitowicz
  • Martha Liliana Cortes
  • María Pedrosa Rivera
  • Matthias Rudigier
  • Nathalie CHEREL
  • Nicolas de Séréville
  • Patrick Le Jeannic
  • Ren Li
  • Robert Leplat
  • Rémy Thoër
  • Samir Alain Semsoum
  • Serge Negra
  • souleymane KAMARA
  • Sunniva Siem
  • Sydney GALES
  • Vasil Karayonchev