9:30 AM
Barbara Erazmus
Ursula Bassler
9:40 AM
(Un)conventional mesons below 2 GeV and the lightest hybrid nonet
Francesco Giacosa
(UJK, Institute of Physics)
10:10 AM
Modern aspects of light quark and charmonium spectroscopy in BES-III
Nils Hüsken
(IU Bloomington & JGU Mainz)
10:40 AM
The JPAC collaboration at Jlab
Miguel Albaladejo
(IFIC (CSIC & Valencia U.))
11:30 AM
Strange baryon femtoscopy in ALICE
Raffaele Del Grande
(Technical University of Munich)
12:00 PM
Feed-down contributions to quarkonium production at the LHC
Florian DAMAS
12:30 PM
W- mass and hadron structure
Maarten Boonekamp
2:00 PM
Quarks and gluons in the Lund plane
Gregory Soyez
(IPhT/CNRS/CEA Saclay)
2:30 PM
Core - corona effect in air showers
Tanguy Pierog
3:00 PM
Studying heavy quarks and quarkonia with NLOAccess
Carlo Flore
(IJCLab Orsay)
3:30 PM
VA2 Virtual Access to 3DPartons
Valerio Bertone
(IRFU, CEA, Université Paris-Saclay)
4:25 PM
Studying gluon TMDs via double $J/\psi$ production in proton-proton collisions
Jelle Bor
4:55 PM
Quarkonium production at the EIC and LHC
Charlotte Van Hulse
5:25 PM
Measurements of nuclear fragmentation cross sections and their medical physics & space radio-protection applications
Alessio Sarti
(Universita' di Roma "La Sapienza")