The registration to this workshop is a two-step process:
- it is best to first create an account to log into indico (the platform managing the workshop);
- once connected to indico, you will be able to fill a registration form on this page below.
Filling the registration form without an indico account is possible, but you won't have an easy access to the information you filled. Any changes or modifications will have to go through the organizers.
To create an indico account, you should preferably log in via eduGAIN (access provided by many universities) with:
If eduGAIN access is NOT provided by your university, and if you wish to create an indico account, you should at the same time:
- Register through your institutional email address at: Please indicate "Request registration to Reimagine Physics. No eduGAIN access at my university" in the "Comment" field.
- Send an email, with the same email address, to the organizers at, with the title "Request registration to Reimagine Physics. No eduGAIN access at my university"; no text is needed in the body of the email.
If you have NO institutional email address, or if you don't wish to create an indico account, please directly contact the organizers at, and fill directly the registration form below.