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20 juin 2022 à 13 juillet 2022
Institut Pascal
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris


This 4-week scientific retreat proposes to leverage the high-quality observations of the water cycle collected over the last decade to assess climate variability and its underlying physical processes that occur from the small local scales up to the regional scales, and which are tightly intertwined.

The objective of this program is to build a small-scale international laboratory that will tackle some of the current main issues associated with atmospheric water cycle observation, modeling and prediction. We will focus on a handful of the current most pressing questions regarding the everchanging climate and to do so we will exploit the observations of environmental parameters as well as cloud themselves.
Our goal is to foster interactions among the communities of observers, modelers, and theorists to provoke in-depth exchanges on the advanced use of new observations to discuss constraints that arise from fundamentals of atmospheric physics. Confronting observational and theoretical points of view, and joining them by means of numerical modeling and statistical data analysis, should lead to the emergence of an improved observationally based vision of the atmospheric water cycle.


Organising Committee :

  • Hélène Brogniez (University Paris-Saclay / University of Versailles St Quentin - Laboratoire Atmosphères Observations Spatiales)
  • Hélène Chepfer (Sorbonne University - Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique)
  • Tristan l'Ecuyer (University of Winsconsin-Madison - Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies)
  • Pierre Kirstetter (University of Oklahoma - NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratory)
Commence le
Finit le
Institut Pascal
Rue André Rivière 91400 Orsay
Il y a une enquête ouverte.