Pour vous authentifier, privilégiez eduGAIN / To authenticate, prefer eduGAINeu

3 octobre 2022
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Our monthly Student Breakfast is happening again.

Hope you have enjoyed the last one, if not do not worry you are welcome to join us and meet students at the lab, or just have a coffee and a pastry. 


Let's meet on Monday, October 3rd, in the Student Room of building 100. 

We will bring pastries and beverages, feel free to join :)

If you are interested, please register to the indico to help us estimate the number of people. Please forward this invitation to any students in your group like interns or post-doc that are not on the student mailing list!


Have a great day!


note: although we start early at 8:45, we stay until 10:30. So do not hesitate to pass by if you did not arrive very early. 

There will definitely be some pastry and coffee left.  

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