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17 octobre 2022
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

The Freshers' day is an event organized by the students' bureau @ IJCLab for new PhD students arrival, to meet each other, interact with relevant associations in the laboratory life, get useful information and share a nice time.

We are delighted to invite you to join us for the new PhD students welcoming day at Laboratoire de Physique des 2 infinis Irene Joliot-Curie - IJCLab . You will get to know other PhD students + postdocs + alternants, meet and interact with the laboratory direction,  your doctoral schools heads, CAT and D2I2 association, which will give you a lot of support.


We will present information and secrets that will help you in your laboratory administration, and daily life hacks. Lunch and coffee breaks will be provided, and an entertainment event in the afternoon.



  • The morning presentations + lunch are for newcomers and people who did not attend a previous freshers' day event
  • Afternoon games and evening cocktail are open to anyone ! Come and greet the newcomers if you've been in the lab for a little while.


Please register as soon as possible, to help us organize the event. 


All details will be added soon. Please contact us if you have any questions.

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200/0-Auditorium - Auditorium P. Lehmann
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