Origins of AI in High Energy Physics: from Orsay to Chicago – and back!
lundi 23 janvier 2023 -
lundi 23 janvier 2023
Origins of AI in High Energy Physics: from Orsay to Chicago – and back!
Bruce Denby
Origins of AI in High Energy Physics: from Orsay to Chicago – and back!
Bruce Denby
11:00 - 12:00
Room: 100/-1-A900 - Auditorium Joliot Curie
The world’s first paper on AI in High Energy Physics was written at LAL-Orsay 35 years ago. In this talk, its author outlines the scientific contributions of the article and their impact; gives a historical account of how it came to be written; and presents an overview of what it was like working on AI in HEP in the early days of the field. Insight on the question "Is There Life after High Energy Physics?" is also provided.