
Nuclear structure at NFS using Fast-Neutrons

by Dr Emmanuel Clément (GANIL)

100/0-A018 - Salle Library (IJCLab)

100/0-A018 - Salle Library


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The NFS facility at GANIL makes use of the high intense proton and deuteron beams from the LINAC accelerator to deliver the world highest flux of fast neutron for experiments since 2021.  NFS delivers continuous and quasi-mono-energetic neutron beams up to 40 MeV. The proton and deuteron beams accelerated by the linear accelerator are particularly well suited for production of high neutron flux. NFS is equipped with a long time-of-flight area designed for the study of (n,fission), (n,xn) or (n,lcp) reactions in the fast energy range. An irradiation station is also available for measurements by activation method of neutron and ion induced reactions. Some applications like the production of radio-isotopes for medical applications or electronic chip irradiations are also performed. With NFS, GANIL/SPIRAL-2 NFS has opened up to a new community of physicists in academic research as well as in several fields of applications.
For neutron beyond 10 MeV, the (n,xn) and (n,lcp) channels are openned for a large variety of element down to Z ~ 15. These reactions are very well known in the framework of the design of the next-generation of nuclear power plants using fast neutron. Cross sections for elements used either as a fuel or structural material have been measured. 
The question raised in this seminar is : "What will be seen from the nuclear structure point of view when making the prompt-spectroscopy using these reaction ? "
In the presentation, a general overview of the present status and remaining open questions will be shown. Then, a first test case performed at NFS in September 2022 using an EXOGAM clover will be presented. The conclusion will show the future program at NFS for nuclear structure and high resolution gamma-ray  spectroscopy.