Addressing Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) in the infrared is a notoriously difficult task due to the size of the interaction strength. This has instigated the development of non-perturbative approaches based either on the lattice discretization and the statistical evaluation of the QCD functional integral, or on its continuum reformulation in terms of infinite hierarchies of equations. Lattice QCD provides an almost exact description of QCD that can however not be used in all situations. As for continuum approaches, even though they can be extended to these situations in principle, they very often rely on uncontrolled truncations that prevent a quantitative estimate of the error.
Over the last decades, the lattice simulation of Euclidean QCD correlators in the Landau gauge, has revealed unexpected features that shed some light on how the various QCD fields are coupled in the infrared. This allows one to envisage a "third way" into infrared QCD. In this talk, I review a ten year effort to put these ideas into solid ground, using the Curci-Ferrari action, a one parameter model for Landau gauge-fixed QCD in the infrared. In particular, I will discuss how this approach allows one to retrieve the lattice results for the QCD correlation functions and to investigate features of the phase structure that relate to the most fundamental properties of QCD such as confinement or chiral symmetry breaking.