Core2disk III

Institut Pascal

Institut Pascal

Rue André Rivière 91400 Orsay

The role of magnetic fields in disk formation, evolution, and planet formation

Note to the participants: don't forget to join our Slack group for updated information and exchange with the participants (see email sent on Sept 20 by our programme manager Francesca Sconfienza)


With the launch of JWST, supplemented by ground-based observatories (ALMA, VLT, the future ELT), the field of disk and planet formation is expanding. These new observational progress, as well as the development of comprehensive models and numerical simulations including more and more physical ingredients, open an avenue to meaningful combination of results from the different communities. The Core2disk-III workshop aims at transcending the historical divisions between communities, linking together observers, theoreticians, and experimentalists, and covering all evolutionary stages from disk formation to disk dispersal.

Unlike typical conferences, the daily schedule of Core2disk is composed of informal talks in the morning, and collaborative work or discussions in the rest of the day, with dedicated offices, small meeting rooms, and open lounge spaces. The objective will be to foster in-depth discussions on current issues and to define future lines of work. In particular, four general themes will be discussed:


Week 1: Disk formation and early evolution: the role of magnetic fields, dust, and chemistry.

   Monday: Magnetic fields, non-ideal MHD, collapse models 

   Tuesday: Observations of disks and B fields

   Wednesday: Dynamics: infall, streamers, outflows, fragmentation

   Thursday: Gas ionization, chemistry

   Friday: Dust evolution, polarization


Week 2:  Constraints on magnetic winds vs turbulent disk evolution from population surveys, from Class 0 to Class II.

   Monday: Disk surveys in the continuum: Which evolution from Class 0 to Class II?

   Tuesday: Estimates of gas masses, sizes, and accretion rates

   Wednesday: Disk population synthesis models: achievements

   Thursday: Photoevaporation models: current status and open issues

   Friday: Open issues: Magnetic flux diffusion and environmental effects


Week 3:  Disk winds and dead zone location: theories confront observations.

   Monday: Physics of MHD disk winds and dead-zone location

   Tuesday: Observational evidence of disk winds and their properties

   Wednesday: Wind origin: synthetic observations of MHD and photoevaporative winds versus observations

   Thursday: Alternative scenarios

   Friday: Open issues (joint discussion)


Week 4:  Planet formation and migration in magnetised disks (including rings, gaps, and transition disks)

   Monday: Observations of PPD structures

   Tuesday: Dust growth, streaming instability, planetesimal formation

   Wednesday: Models of planet formation

   Thursday: Detailed studies of planet migration

   Friday: Solar System constraints, open questions, and future prospects

Scientific Organizing Committee:

G. Lesur
K. Dullemond
S. Cabrit
R. Nelson
P. Hennebelle
A. Maury
L. Testi
F. Bacciotti
E. Habart
B. Tabone


B. Tabone
S. Cabrit
P. Hennebelle
U. Lebreuilly
N. Anez

Acknowledgments: Core2disk-III is supported by the LABEX P2IO, the PCMI, PNPS, and PNP programs, and the OSU Paris-Saclay.

Participants Satisfaction Survey