Pour vous authentifier, privilégiez eduGAIN / To authenticate, prefer eduGAINeu

Sep 9 – 27, 2024
Institut Pascal
Europe/Paris timezone


IPa Registration Form

Opened May 7, 2024
Closed Jul 12, 2024

We offer the selected standard participants a registration that covers course-related costs, accommodations, and meals during this first week (September 9th to 13th).
The registration covers accommodation until September 27th for the participants selected for the extended stay program.
All students are responsible for the costs of travel and any visa costs.

Application Requirements:
All participants must post their application on the indico web site before July 1st, 2024. The selected participants will be notified of their acceptance around July 3rd, 2024. Local participants are selected on a first-come first-served basis (limited seating capacity).

In addition to completing the online application, please provide in a single PDF document:
- A current CV or resume with a description of the current educational or professional status. A list of publications, if any.
- A short statement (1 page) that describes your research interests and the expected benefit of attending the summer school.
- For the extended stay applicants only: a letter from the host scientist belonging to Institut Intégratif des Matériaux of Paris-Saclay detailing the joint research program (see the main page of the school for the list of eligible laboratories).
- A letter of recommendation from a professor/supervisor. Supplementary reference letters from collaborators can be included. The letters can be sent independently of the application, directly from the recommenders, but they must be submitted before the deadline. The letters can be sent by email to anna.guerreschi@universite-paris-saclay.fr with the name of the participant followed by the letters MLMD in the email subject.

Information on the registration with Indico.
How do I register for a scientific program on Indico?
To register for a specific program please click on the link you’ve received. Unless an Indico session is already open (in which case you will be able to directly fill the form) you will first be asked to log-in to Indico
To authenticate, always use an official email address (@hotmail, @gmail, etc. are not accepted) and you should use eduGAIN, if that works for your institution

Details on the log-in procedure.
EduGAIN is a worldwide federation that allows users to authenticate against a service using their home institution credentials rather than a specific account/password for the service. Most research institutions and universities around the world are members of eduGAIN. If you are a member of such an organization, it is required that you use eduGAIN to log into Indico. For this, just click on the eduGAIN button in the login page, select your organization and use your organization credentials. To find your organization, you can search in the field by typing an acronym or a key-word (e.g. if your institution is “Université Paris-Saclay” à type “Saclay”).
Any request for an Indico account when belonging to an eduGAIN organization will be rejected without any additional notice.
If eduGAIN doesn’t work for you, apply for an Indico account (link on the login page). Please do so only after carefully reading the warning notice on the account request page, and in particular the part about the mandatory comment.

Who do I contact for assistance regarding Indico?
Contact the Program Manager for any assistance.

Registration is closed
The registration period has passed.