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Machine Learning and Materials Discovery

Institut Pascal

Institut Pascal

Rue André Rivière 91400 Orsay

Program Overview

Institut Pascal of Paris-Saclay University offers an intensive 1-week residential program (September 9th-13th) comprising lectures and workshops devoted to theory and applications of machine learning in material science. The program comprises a morning series of lectures devoted to theory and tools. The participants put into practice what they learned during the morning classes during the afternoon practicals. This school is for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and professionals aiming to transcend traditional disciplinary boundaries. 

Dates & Times

Attending the school is a full-time (all-day) commitment. All participants are expected to attend the entire 1-week program in person. We expect interactions among a diverse group of participants that can help foster research projects and connect with future colleagues and collaborators of the Paris-Saclay research community. 

We invite prospective students to complete their registration file before July  1st, 2024. 

The students will be officially notified about the result of their application by July 5th, 2024.  


The Summer School sessions take place at Institut Pascal of the University Paris-Saclay in Orsay, France. Participants are accommodated in hotels and residences on the university campus.

Invited lecturers

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Maxime Moreaud (IFPEN, Lyon, France) • introduction and methods,
  • Ralf Drautz ( Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany) • building interatomic potentials, 
  • Jaysen Nelayah (Université Paris Cité, France)  processing experimental data, 
  • Mikäel Perrut (French Aerospace Lab Onera, France) • data optimization and development of innovative materials.

Registration Fee

We offer the selected participants a registration that covers course-related costs, accommodations, and meals during this first week. Students are responsible for the costs of travel and visa. 

An extended stay program following the 1-week school can be offered to a subset of students to reinforce or create collaborations with the laboratories of the Institut Intégratif des Matériaux of University Paris-Saclay. The participants interested in this opportunity need to register with the school and establish a joint research program with the laboratories of the Institute (see list). The Institut Intégratif des Matériaux will cover the accommodation and meals costs for this subset of students during the entire duration of their stay (September 9th to 27th). This extended stay program provides an unparalleled opportunity for early-career researchers to expand their professional networks, produce a novel research product, and gain valuable experience working in transdisciplinary teams. During their extended stay, the students will work in the hosting laboratories and attend a cycle of bi-weekly seminars covering the latest applications of Machine Learning to diverse research questions. 

The students not selected for this extended stay program, are also welcome to attend the cycle of seminars (September 16th to 27th), though we will not cover their costs after September 13th. Therefore, they are invited to seek additional funding from their home institution to cover their stay after the first week. 



Gianguido Baldinozzi (SPMS, CentraleSupelec-CNRS, France), Daniel Bonamy (SPEC. CEA Paris-Saclay, France), Riccardo Gatti (LEM CNRS-ONERA, France).


Hakim Amara (LEM, ONERA-CNRS, France), Jean-Luc Béchade (SRMP, CEA Paris-Saclay, France), Fabienne Berthier (ICMMO, University Paris-Saclay, France), Marie-Pierre Gaigeot (LAMBE, University Paris-Saclay, France), Patrick Guénoun (NIMBE,CEA Paris-Saclay, France),  Annick Loiseau (LEM, ONERA-CNRS, France), Bertrand Poumellec (ICMMO, University Paris-Saclay, France), Cindy Rountree (SPEC, CEA Paris-Saclay, France), Pierfrancesco Urbani (IPhT, CEA Paris-Saclay, France), François Willaime (DES, CEA Paris-Saclay, France).




Seminar Day, Thursday, September 19, 2024
  • Adrien Moncomble
  • Alvaro CIMAS
  • Anissa Acheche
  • Anna Dhiya James
  • Anwar GAMRA
  • Arthur Mukasa
  • Asif Iqbal
  • Bui Minh Quan
  • Caroline Keller
  • Chahrazed Benrebbouh
  • Charles Bianchetti
  • Cindy Rountree
  • Clément Duval
  • Clément Spadetto
  • Connor Beer
  • Daniel BONAMY
  • David URIBE
  • Davide Romanin
  • Delong HE
  • Elise Dirican
  • Faisal Hafeez
  • Florian Castermans
  • François WILLAIME
  • Gabrijela Grozdanic
  • Gaurav Arora
  • Gianguido Baldinozzi
  • Hadil Khalifa
  • Hakim Amara
  • Hernan Mazzei
  • Hong Nhung Nguyen
  • Hugo Kuentz
  • Hugues Verrier
  • Iheb Zayani
  • Jaysen Nelayah
  • John Hirtz
  • JS Lauret
  • Julie Curbelié
  • Kamania Akil
  • Laura Freschi
  • Le Phan Huu
  • Lotfi Benali Karroubi
  • Louis-Henri Fernandez-Mouron
  • Lucie Dieval
  • Marc Aichner
  • Mathieu HOCHARD
  • Matthieu Degeiter
  • Mattia Ragni
  • Maxime Moreaud
  • Md. Zuwel Rana
  • Mehdi Ghrabli
  • Melissa Alzate Banguero
  • meriem zaidi
  • Michael Lesa
  • Mihsan BHUIYAN
  • mingjie zhang
  • Muhammad Waseem
  • Nathalie Brun
  • Nhu Ngan Ha Nguyen
  • Ni Na Nguyen Thi
  • Nohayla Regragui
  • Pascale Launois
  • Pierre Belamri
  • Quyen Nguyen Thi Thu
  • Quynh Anh LE
  • Ralf Drautz
  • Raphaël Vangheluwe
  • Riccardo Gatti
  • Romain Moreau
  • Sanine Lakhloufi-Mathieu
  • Sara FAZELI
  • shuhailul hisham Vyshian Sidhique
  • Sixtine CHarpy
  • Soline Beitone
  • Sonora Iliazi
  • Stephane Bonelli
  • Stéphane Touzé
  • Teodora Tomovic
  • Thibaud Derieux
  • Théo Perrin
  • Tran Huyen
  • Trong Nguyen Phu
  • Ulysse Marboeuf
  • Van-Oanh Nguyen Th-
  • Vincent Wong
  • Yogita Yogita
  • Zita Tamási
  • Zlata Jasarevic
Participants Satisfaction Survey
Anna Guerreschi (administrative assistant)
    • Registrations
    • Introduction: Institut Pascal
    • 1
      Introduction - MLMD

      General information about the school and the program

    • Deep Learning and Materials Discovery, introduction and methods

      Maxime Moreaud (Chercheur IFPEN Lyon, co-créator et
      développeur du logiciel plugim)

      Président de session: Maxime Moreaud (IFPEN Lyon)
    • Coffee break
    • Deep Learning and Materials Discovery, introduction and methods

      Maxime Moreaud (Chercheur IFPEN Lyon, co-créator et
      développeur du logiciel plugim)

      Président de session: Maxime Moreaud (IFPEN Lyon)
    • Lunch
    • TP
    • 16:00
      Coffee break
    • TP
    • Learning Atomic Interactions
      Président de session: Ralf Drautz (Bochum University)
    • Coffee break
    • Learning Atomic Interactions
      Président de session: Ralf Drautz (Bochum University)
    • Lunch
    • TP
    • Coffee break
    • Flash presentation
    • Deep Learning and Materials Discovery, introduction and methods

      Maxime Moreaud (Chercheur IFPEN Lyon, co-créator et
      développeur du logiciel plugim)

      Président de session: Maxime Moreaud
    • Coffee break
    • Deep Learning and Materials Discovery, introduction and methods

      Maxime Moreaud (Chercheur IFPEN Lyon, co-créator et
      développeur du logiciel plugim)

      Président de session: Maxime Moreaud
    • Lunch
    • TP
    • Coffee break
    • TP
    • Poster session
    • Processing experimantal data:
      Président de session: Jaysen Nelayah
    • Coffee break
    • Processing experimantal data:
      Président de session: Jaysen Nelayah
    • Lunch
    • TP
    • Coffee break
    • School Dinner
    • Data optimization & development of innovative materials:
      Président de session: Mikaël Perrut
    • Coffee break
    • Data optimization & development of innovative materials:
      Président de session: Mikaël Perrut
    • Lunch