The PHENIICS Fest is back in town!
Get ready to immerse yourself in two days of scientific discussions, camaraderie, and celebration of the academic year.
Join us at this special event and together, let's make the PHENIICS Fest 2024 a highlight of our academic journey!
📅 When? May 16-17, 2024
📍 Where? Pierre Lehmann Auditorium, building 200, IJCLab (See map!)
The PHENIICS Fest is a two-day event that gathers all PHENIICS students to discuss diverse scientific subjects, forge connections, and create lasting memories. The days have been planned as starting with presentations and ending with special events and festivities.
We expect first-year students to prepare and present a poster of their current research during the dedicated poster session.
The second-year students are likewise expected to give an oral presentation (15 minutes + 5 minutes of questions) to present their research work.
Additionally, while we encourage the third-year students to contribute presentations, we understand their workload may vary. Therefore, alternatively, they can take on the role of chairman/chairwoman to facilitate the progression of presentation sessions.
All posters and presentations should be made in English!
A detailed agenda will be provided later, but registrations are now open and will last until the 30th of April!