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A holographic optical element to measure the transparency of the atmosphere at the Rubin-LSST observatory

200/0-Auditorium - Auditorium P. Lehmann (IJCLab)

200/0-Auditorium - Auditorium P. Lehmann


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Zoom link: https://ijclab.zoom.us/j/92728855703?pwd=SzdYMmNyOFJVZkdLREpWSndaY0VuUT09

Meeting ID: 927 2885 5703
Passcode: a2c

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      A holographic optical element to measure the transparency of the atmosphere at the Rubin-LSST observatory

      A 1.20 m diameter auxiliary telescope equipped with a slitless spectrograph has been installed near the main 8.40 m telescope of the Rubin-LSST project. This device is designed to monitor variations in the transparency of the atmosphere as a function of wavelength and time, in order to know in real time the effective shape of the passbands of the main telescope.
      The spectrograph initially designed on the basis of a periodic grating was unable to obtain a good quality spectrum over the entire wavelength range (400nm to 1050nm) for reasons that will be explained in the seminar.
      We have developed a thin dispersive holographic optical element, which has been operational since February 2021, which has not only enabled us to obtain spectra with the best possible resolution, but also with a diffraction efficiency that is almost double that of the initial device.
      I will describe the stages of this project, the objectives of which are to achieve photometric accuracy of the order of one per thousand with the Rubin-LSST main telescope, and to improve the performance of images taken under non-photometric conditions.

      Speaker: Marc Moniez (LAL (CNRS/IN2P3))