Lecture Title |
Duration |
Speakers |
Cosmology: theory |
3 h |
tba |
Cosmology: experimental |
1 h 30 |
Christophe Yèche (IRFU) |
Dark matter: direct detection |
3 h |
Davide Franco (APC) tbc |
Indirection detection |
1 h 30 |
Marco Cirelli (LPTHE) tbc |
Neutrinos (oscillation, CP..) |
3 h |
Neutrino-less beta decay |
1 h 30 |
Andrea Giuliani (IJCLab) |
Multi-messenger physics theory |
1 h 30 |
Enrico Peretti (INAF (OAA) & APC) |
Multi-messenger physics experimental |
3h |
Halim Ashkar (LLR) Antonio Condorelli (APC) |
Introduction particle physics |
1 h 30 |
Benjamin Fuks (LPTHE) |
Electroweak physics and BSM |
1 h 30 |
Flavor physics |
1 h 30 |
Yasmine Amhis (IJCLab) |
Particle physics data reinterpretation |
1 h 30 |
Benjamin Fuks (LPTHE) |
Accelerator physics |
3 h |
Nicolas Delerue (IJCLab) |
Statistics |
3 h |
Nicolas Morange (IJCLab) |
Machine learning |
1 h 30 |
Anja Butter (LPNHE) |
Hands on 4 h 30 session (one topic to be chosen by session):
Session 1 :
· LHCb physics data analysis (Christina Agapopoulou)
· Cosmology analysis and statistics (Thibaut Louis, IJCLab)
Session 2
· CCD data analysis and calibration (Xavier Bertou, IJCLab)
· Model simulation and interpretation (Benjamin Fuks, LPTHE)