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7–18 avr. 2025
Institut Pascal
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Objectives of the kirsch program:


- Are we missing aspects of the astrochemical diversity?

- Is it statistical chemistry that has developed over billions of years?

- Are there limits in the complexity of molecular diversity?

- Do the mechanisms/simulations envisaged in the laboratory still make sense?

Soleil upgrade

- What new science can we expect with the improved synchrotron source

- What upgrade of the CERISES instrument would make the best use of it

- What will be the impacts on ultimate performances of the instrument

- What is the best way to handle the 18 months shut down

Ion molecule chemistry

- Contribution to complex molecules /prebiotic molecules in ISM / planetary atmospheres?

- What best way to decipher effects of isomerism, chirality on astrochemistry

- Complementarity of solid / gas phase mechanisms to explain the    chemical complexity of the ISM?

- Are there major routes of reaction that are still missing (elements , radical species, energy sources)



Roland Thissen --- Orsay ICP
Daniela Ascenzin --- Trento Instituto di Fisica
Emilie Laure Zins --- Paris MONARIS
Ugo Jacovella --- Orsay ISMO




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Institut Pascal
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