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PHE Seminaires

From Novel Imaging Sensors to Advanced Tracking Devices

by Marc Winter

100/-1-A900 - Auditorium Joliot Curie (IJCLab)

100/-1-A900 - Auditorium Joliot Curie


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Monolithic CMOS Pixel Sensors (CPS) have become a key technology when high precision charged particle tracking or vertexing is required. They were pioneered in the late 90's, when the physics programme anticipated at a future linear electron-positron collider was calling for a new generation vertex detector. Their development, extrapolated from still emerging imaging applications derived from the ASIC industry, benefitted from the steady progress of industrial CMOS imagers. The R&D was pursued within a diversified spectrum of successive applications, where heavy ion experiments acted as driving forces. This context allowed to improve the sensor detection performances step by step until reaching their present maturity, with promising perspectives for future tracking devices. This achievement has been acknowledged by ICFA with its 2024 Award on Instrumentation,  attributed to three of us (Renato Turchetta, Walter Snoeys, M.W.) for our role in the emergence and development of CPS for particle physics detectors. I'll take the opportunity of this event to guide us through the most significant steps achieved during my 20 years long involvement in the development of CPS. The seminar aims thereby at deciphering the assets and limitations of the technology and provide an outlook of its future applications and associated challenges.