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Événements et manifestations

Projection du film : « Bruno Touschek and the art of Physics ». Par Enrico Agapito & Luisa Bonolis. Produit par l’INFN. Présenté par Giulia Pancheri (LNF Frascati)

Auditorium Pierre Lehmann (LAL - Orsay)

Auditorium Pierre Lehmann

LAL - Orsay

The movie narrates the story of how Bruno Touschek, the Austrian born physicist, who came to Italy in 1952, conceived and brought to completion AdA, the first electron positron storage ring in Frascati in 1960. The movie follows AdA to Orsay, where the higher intensity injector allowed for observable collisions, and includes interviews with scientists who had known Touschek well, such as Carlo Bernardini, Nicola Cabibbo and Carlo Rubbia. Before the movie, G. Pancheri from INFN Frascati, one of Touschek’s collaborators, will highlight the life of Touschek before coming to Italy, from Vienna where he was born in 1921, through clandestinity in Germany between 1942-1945, until his doctorate in Glasgow in 1948. This presentation will include discussion of unpublished letters from Touschek to his father during the war years and other personal documents, which have recently been released from his family to G.P. and Luisa Bonolis.